英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-03 08:09:25
  • 网络解释

1. 填满:Be doomed to 注定要 | Be packed with 填满 | Burst forth 忽然出现

2. be packed with

2. 被塞满了:P keep/hold pace with 跟上,与...同步 | be packed with 被塞满了 | take pains 尽力,煞费苦心

3. 挤满,装满:meet with 碰到,遭到,会晤 | be packed with 挤满,装满 | play with 玩,玩弄

Although they may not be as packed as some of the other locales on the list, the Minnesota twin cities are still pretty jammed with nearly 7, 000 people per square mile.(虽然这个城市和上述那些城市相比没那么拥挤,但明尼苏达双城仍然挤满了人,近7000人每平方英里。)
Popular cold-weather beverages also can be packed with calories, fat and sugar.(冬季里流行的饮品也富含卡路里,脂肪和糖分。)
Even though this month is going to be packed with back to back everyday work from shooting the new TV drama, and recording my 3rd solo album... it's going to be a very good month.(虽然这个月会很忙﹐每天都要为新剧不停地做拍摄工作﹐而且也会为我第三长传辑录音﹐但是这个月会是一个很好的时期。)
Another is that the pure investment Banks are packed with very highly paid, headstrong individuals who would be hard if not impossible to accommodate within any other company's culture.(另外一个原因是专业投资银行的员工个个薪酬丰厚、头脑固执,他们难以屈就企业文化与己不相适应的其它公司。)
And the skin is not the only healthy bit we discard —stalks and cores can also be packed with nutrients.(因此,除了果皮之外,被我们一同丢弃的果柄和果核也极具营养价值。)
The place was packed, leaving them with nowhere to be alone as a family on their last night together for two whole months. A difficult existence, indeed.(房间里很拥挤,他们一家人将要分开两个月,但在最后一夜却没有单独相处的地方,生活真是不易。)
The biggest problem, though, is that people who expect to be packed off home after six months will be seen as second-class residents, and will have less incentive to integrate with their hosts.(最大的问题是,那些按规定应当在六个月后被遣送回国的人会被当作二等居民对待,因而在与雇主的合作中会采取消极的态度。)
The Northern Line has the worst reputation, but many others can be hellish at rush hour, with packed platforms and even more sardine-can-like trains, often so full that no-one else can get on.(最为人所诟病,但其他路线在尖峰时间也是令人十分不悦,月台上挤满了人,车厢里更是挤得像沙丁鱼一样,常挤到让乘客上不了车。)
The actual game scenes will be packed with intensive actions. Players must move constantly and use skills strategically.(实际的游戏里当然不会这样,玩家必须积极的移动并且使用合适的技能。)
When they open in early 2018, the spheres will be packed with a plant collection worthy of top-notch conservatories.(当2018年投入使用时,球屋将有很多顶级温室植物。)
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